Media Players


Product Roundup – Vol 22 No 52

by Tom Allen

The Dune HD Solo 4k is a new media player for digital signage, based on Sigma Designs’ SMP8758 processor. It is the first Dune HD player with HEVC support, and can show content in …

Tags:HEVC (H.265)| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Large Display Monitor| LCD TVs| LFD - Large Format Display| Media Players| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Vol 22 - Issue 52

Avegant Announces Availability of Glyph

by Isaac Oburu

Avegant today announced the availability of its flagship product, the Glyph. Designed with lightweight portability, rich audio and incredibly precise video, the Glyph features an innovative yet familiar design. The Glyph resembles a pair …

Tags:Media Players| Streaming Audio

221 million connected TV devices to ship this year

by Isaac Oburu

Competition for control of the living room between Apple, Roku, Google and Amazon is intensifying as each brand looks to establish an advantage over the other through the launch of new innovative device hardware …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| Consoles| Media Players| Smart TV| Streaming Dongles

AV Stumpfl Finds Home in Milan

by Tom Allen

AV Stumpfl supplied video distribution products to the recent Milan Expo, in Italy. More than 80 solid-state media players and 10 Wings Engine media servers were deployed across more than seven pavilions at the …

Tags:Back Panel| Events| Italy| Large Display Monitor| Media Players| Vol 22 - Issue 43

Kaleidescape Signs With Sony

by Tom Allen

Kaleidescape launched a new line of video players known as the Encore series, including its first UltraHD model: the Strato Movie Player. The Strato can play films that are downloaded onto a hard drive; …

Tags:CEDIA 2015| Large Display Monitor| Media Players| sony| VOD in UltraHD & 4K| Vol 22 - Issue 42

Roku Goes 4k With Fourth Gen

by Tom Allen

Roku has announced the fourth generation of its media player products, known as the Roku 4 – which, for the first time, can support UltraHD streaming as rumoured. (Is Roku Going to UltraHD?) The …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Media Players| Roku| Streaming Video| VOD in UltraHD & 4K| Vol 22 - Issue 40

Companies Honoured at AV Awards

by Tom Allen

Christie’s Boxer 4K30 projector took home the ‘Projector of the Year’ award at the recent AV Awards in London. Judges observed, “At last there is a 30,000 lumen projector that isn’t the size of …

Tags:Awards| Back Panel| Brightsign| Christie| DLP Projectors| Large Display Monitor| Media Players| Vol 22 - Issue 40

Home Entertainment for the Recorder Connoisseur

by Isaac Oburu

Continuing to push the boundaries, Panasonic is pleased to add six new models to its award winning range of Video products, making it easier than ever to store, view and record content. Incorporating superior …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| DVD| Media Players| Panasonic

ASRock Chooses Display Solutions

by Tom Allen

Display Solutions is now distributing ASRock’s NUC Box 3000: a fanless, dual-core embedded PC, intended as a DOOH media player. The box can support three displays, including one UltraHD unit.

Tags:Distribution| DOOH| Large Display Monitor| Media Players| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 22 - Issue 36