LG Display


Is There Room for LG OLED Displays in Esports?

by Omid Rahmat

A few weeks ago, a magazine feature was mourning the loss of esports teams after the crash of crypto markets, among the biggest sponsors of the competitive gamers. Crypto funding had created an unrealistic …

Tags:Gamer| Gaming Monitor| LG Display

The Fallacy of Apple’s High OLED Costs

by Omid Rahmat

With a display-centric mindset, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the manufacturing costs of OLEDs are going to cause price rises in Apple’s products. That may be true to some extent—Apple doesn’t shy away …

Tags:Apple| iPad| LG Display| OLED| Samsung Display

SK Hynix and LG Displays to Make MicroOLEDs for Meta

by Omid Rahmat

The social media giant will be designing the chips to be manufactured as part of its ongoing investment in the mixed reality displays. The expected timing for all this is 2025 to 2026. According …

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| LG Display| meta| Qualcomm| SK Hynix| XR