Can JDI Turn Dreams Into Reality?
by Omid Rahmat
The eLEAP OLED display should, in theory, bring substantial benefits to automotive OLED screens.
Tags:AMOLED| Automotive| CarUX| Innolux| JDI| OLED| showcase
by Omid Rahmat
The eLEAP OLED display should, in theory, bring substantial benefits to automotive OLED screens.
Tags:AMOLED| Automotive| CarUX| Innolux| JDI| OLED| showcase
by Shawnee Blackwood
China holds 53$ of the market.
Tags:AUO| BOE| Innolux| Market Data| Miliatry| omdia| Tianma
by Emory Kale
The deal is below the rumored market price for the 96,000 square meter facility.
Tags:display manufacturing| Innolux| TSMC
by Emory Kale
After two years of losses the company sees its first profitable quarter while it continues to reassess its capital assets.
Tags:financials| Innolux
by Shawnee Blackwood
The leading presentation will be the unlimited splicing MiniLED public display, a cutting-edge video wall.
Tags:Display Week 2024| Innolux
by Shawnee Blackwood
There is an expected surge in TV display shipments, which are projected to account for 77.1% of the total area shipped in 2024.
Tags:BOE| Innolux| large displays| large monitors| LCD| Market Data| omdia| TCL CSOT| TV Sets
by Joseph Bryans
Despite increases, global fab utilization in Q2’24 is anticipated to reach only 83%.
Tags:AUO| BOE| DSCC| HKC| Innolux| Manufacturing| Market Data| sharp| TCL CSOT
by Joseph Bryans
The company will be showcasing a 187-inch color conversion MicroLED technology at Touch Taiwan 2024.
Tags:Automotive| Innolux| MicroLED
by Joseph Bryans
A key product is a 55-inch 8K display that features active privacy technology to prevent driver distraction.
Tags:Automotive| CarUX| Innolux| MicroLED| MiniLED
by Omid Rahmat
What better way to take advantage of the obsolescence of aging display fabs.
Tags:FOPLP| Innolux| Manufacturing
by Emory Kale
For Taiwanese display makers, go west means heading as far as India for new opportunities and investments.
Tags:India| Innolux| manufacturer| Vedanta
by Omid Rahmat
Something’s got to give. Diversification into non-display products, cost-cutting and inventory controls are a recipe for distraction.
Tags:BOE| financials| Innolux| LCD| LG| OLED| Samsung| showcase