
HTC Vive Out of Stock All Over US Due to Component Shortage

by Andrew Fenn

HTC Vive has been experiencing stock issues in the US throughout the month of July so far. A company spokesperson informed Road to VR that this is due to a shortage of a key …

Tags:AR/VR| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 28

HTC Vive Apps to Be Sold Through

by Andrew Fenn

HTC has agreed a new partnership that will allow VR applications for its Vive hardware to be sold on App developers will have the option to make their software available for sale on …

Tags:Amazon| AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 27

HTC Cuts Back Hard, Again

by Bob Raikes

HTC is to lay off around 1,500 employees, almost 25% of its workforce, as part of a major restructuring and bringing its work force down to just under 5,000. The process will be completed …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Reorganisation & Restructuring| Vol 25 - Issue 26

macOS Mojave to Include Support for HTC Vive Pro

by Andrew Fenn

Mojave, the next major update for MacOS, will include plug-and-play support for HTC Vive Pro, a collaboration between Apple, HTC and Steam. Current Mac systems lack the power for VR functions — even the …

Tags:AR/VR| GPUs| HTC| iOS (Apple)| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 24

HTC Result 07/05/2018

by Vijaya

HTC Corporation announced its financial results for first quarter 2018 ended March 31, 2018. Revenues for Q1 2018 were NT$8.8 billion ($290 million), a decrease of 39.4%, compared to NT$14.53 billion ($490 million) in …

Tags:Financial Data| HTC| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 22

HTC Releases Major Update to Vive Focus Firmware

by Andrew Fenn

HTC has released firmware version 2.0 for its Vive Focus standalone VR headset. The device is currently only available in China, but releases in the US and other Western territories are planned for later …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 21

HTC Has a Positive Blip

by Bob Raikes

HTC has come to the end of eleven consecutive quarters of losses to hit a profit of NT$21.1 billion ($708 million) for Q1, following the sale of its smartphone ODM business to Google. (HTC …

Tags:Financial Data| Google| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 18

HTC Releases Vive Pro Enterprise Bundle, Announces Service Plans

by Andrew Fenn

HTC has released a Vive Pro bundle aimed at enterprises. The Vive Pro 2.0 Kit contains two second-generation SteamVR base stations, two controllers and the headset itself. The company released a similar bundle for …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Pricing| Vol 25 - Issue 16

TPCast Supports Wireless Vive

by Bob Raikes

TPCast has released a multi-user wireless VR adaptor for the HTC Vive. The Business Edition Wireless VR Adapter can support two or four users and with a transmission delay of less than 2ms, while …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 15| Wireless