
MDM Product Roundup – Vol 23 No 30

by Tom Allen

The Superbook (LDM Product Roundup – Vol 23 No 19) by Andromium, a laptop ‘shell’ for a smartphone, reached Kickstarter last month. It has now passed several goals, one of which means that users …

Tags:Crowdfunding (Kickstarter etc)| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Pricing| Resolution| Smartphones| UK (United Kingdom)| Vol 23 - Issue 30

HTC Expands VR Investment

by Tom Allen

HTC says that eight new firms have joined the VR Venture Capital Alliance (VRVCA), which aims to support the growth of the VR industry. The VRVCA’s funding is now expected to increase from $10 …

Tags:HTC| Investment| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 30


by Isaac Oburu

SensoMotoric Instruments has unveiled a developer kit for the HTC Vive headset. The head mounted display (HMD) has been modified with the addition of small cameras and IR light sources, to enable eye tracking …

Tags:Broadcast| Gaze Recognition| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 29

MDM Product Roundup – Vol 23 No 27

by Tom Allen

Asus has launched its Zenfone 3 (Asus is Firmly in Phablets) phone in Taiwan, and has said that launch events will be held in Europe, the USA and Japan later this quarter. HTC has …

Tags:Asus| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| USA| Vol 23 - Issue 27

HTC Down in June but Positive About Q2

by Tom Allen

HTC has reported June revenues of NT$6.4 billion ($196.5 million), down 5.7% MoM and 26.7% YoY – down more than the market expected. Year-to-date revenues were NT$33.7 billion ($1 billion), a 54.8% decrease YoY. …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 26

HTC Closes in on 80,000 Units

by Tom Allen

SteamSpy, Valve’s data collection service which collects data from every Steam user, has been used to estimate the HTC Vive’s user base. Each Vive is supplied with a game called Job Simulator, which provides …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 26

HTC Establishes VC Fund for VR Investment – Spins off VR

by Tom Allen

Credit: Mobile World LiveHTC has continued its commitment to virtual reality, announced the formation of a venture capital investment fund at Mobile World Congress Shanghai. The news comes just one month after we reported …

Tags:HTC| Investment| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 25

Sony Pushes VR Shipments to 9 Million

by Tom Allen

Strong pre-orders of Sony’s Playstation VR – the release date for which was announced at E3 – will push VR device shipments past 9 million units this year, says TrendForce. Reception so far has …

Tags:HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Oculus Rift| Oculus VR| PlayStation| sony| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 24

Peter Chou is No Longer at HTC

by Tom Allen

HTC has confirmed that former CEO Peter Chou has left the company. Although he is still an honourary consultant to HTC, Chou is now serving as chairman of the Digital Domain, a Hong Kong-based …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| People| Vol 23 - Issue 24

HTC To Lead Virtual Reality Enterprise Sector With Vive Business Edition

by Isaac Oburu

HTC Corporation (“HTC”), a pioneer in innovative, smart technologies, has today announced Vive Business Edition (“Vive BE”) to capture the huge demand from industries worldwide to employ virtual reality technology in commercial applications. Available …

Tags:HTC| Virtual Reality