
Will HTC Suffer from OLED Shortage?

by Bob Raikes has said that it believes that HTC will suffer poorer sales and market share in VR during 2017 because of difficulties in sourcing enough OLED displays for its Vive headsets. The site quoted …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 51

HTC Releases Mystery Invitation

by Bob Raikes

HTC has sent invitations out for an event on January 12th at which it has been speculated to reveal new smartphones including a top of the line 6.1″ device with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835CPU. …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 51

AR / VR Dreams versus Reality

by Norbert Hildebrand

AR and VR have been hot topics for us since they promised to enter the consumer market in 2016. As 2016 comes to an end many realize that the reality of AR / VR …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HTC| Microsoft| Oculus Rift| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 49| Windows

GVRA – Industry Association to Support VR

by Norbert Hildebrand

GVRA, the Global Virtual Reality Association, was formed by industry leaders in the VR field to “promote the responsible development and adoption of virtual reality globally”. So far the association includes Acer, HTC, Facebook …

Tags:Acer| | Google| GVRA| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| sony| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 49

01Consulting Sees Sony as the Early Winner in the VR Race

by Norbert Hildebrand

According to 01Consulting (01), Sony is the early winner in the VR race. In their latest market study 01 researched the sales of the top 30 VR suppliers, which includes hardware, software and content …

Tags:| HTC| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| sony| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 48

HTC’s Losses Continue

by Yvette Raikes

HTC’s turnover for November fell 25% YoY to NTD7.67 billion ($241.2 million), resulting in year-to-date revenue of NTD71.76 billion ($2.26 billion), down 38%. December is also expected to be poor and HTC says that …

Tags:Financial Data| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 48

HTC Flat in Sales in 2017

by Bob Raikes

Reports from Taiwan say that HTC is not expecting increased sales revenues in 2017 because it is struggling to ramp up demand for the HTC Vive headset. Although it has signed up with Sprint …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 47

HTC Confirms Profitability of Vive

by Bob Raikes

In its earnings call last month, HTC said that it has sold ‘much more’ than the 140K – 150K of its Vive headsets and also confirmed that it is selling the headsets at a …

Tags:AR/VR| HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 46

HTC Signs Strategic Partnership with Shenzhen Municipal Government

by Bob Raikes

HTC Corporation (“HTC”), a pioneer in innovative, smart mobile and virtual reality (VR) technologies, today signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Shenzhen Municipal Government. Under the agreement, the Shenzhen Municipal Government will support …

Tags:HTC| Virtual Reality

HTC Partners with Shenzhen Government for VR

by Bob Raikes

HTC has signed a deal with the Shenzen Municipal Government to set up an RMB 10 billion ($1.45 billion) fund for the development of VR and the formation of a China VR Research Institute. …

Tags:China| HTC| Investment| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 46