HDR - High Dynamic Range


Sony Seeks Kando with New Master Series TVs

by Chris Chinnock

Sony Electronics used a major media event in New York on July 31th to unveil a new line of TVs dubbed the Master Series that will be offered in OLED and LED-LCD models. The …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| OLEDs| sony| UltraHD (4KTV)| Vol 25 - Issue 29

Ikegami Sets HDR at Centre Stage for IBC 2018

by Bob Raikes

Ikegami is planning to boost its range of broadcast monitors at the forthcoming IBC show in September with better support for HDR which is becoming more important in broadcast. Michael Lätzsch, Broadcast & Professional …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 29

Sony Acknowledges OLED Dolby Vision Dimming Issue

by Andrew Fenn

Since the release of a firmware update that added Dolby Vision support to Sony OLED TVs back in March, a significant number of users have reported an issue that causes the display to dim. …

Tags:Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| sony| Vol 25 - Issue 29

DCI Takes First Step to Define HDR Cinema

by Chris Chinnock

The Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI) group was formed at the beginning of the film-to-digital transition to help develop the specifications and interchange formats needed for an orderly transition. Now, it has released a statement …

Tags:Cinema Projection| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LED Cinema| Testing| Vol 25 - Issue 28

LG Releases Firmware Update That Fixes Dolby Vision Issue

by Andrew Fenn

LG has announced that the latest firmware update for its 2016 OLED TVs, currently rolling out across the US and Europe, includes a fix for the ongoing problem of “raised blacks” during the playback …

Tags:Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LG Electronics (LGE)| OLED TVs| Vol 25 - Issue 27

Dolby Vision Streaming Support Coming to Xbox One X and S

by Andrew Fenn

Microsoft has announced that Dolby Vision support for video streaming is on the way to its Xbox One S and X gaming consoles, supporting Netflix on launch. Support for Amazon Video and Vudu will …

Tags:4k| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Microsoft| Vol 25 - Issue 27| xBox

LDM Product Roundup Vol 25 #27

by Bob Raikes

Apple has upgraded the MacBook Pro models for 2018 with new processors that make them much faster (claimed to be 70% faster) and with improved keyboards – as these have been the subject of …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| LED| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| Vol 25 - Issue 27

EclairColor Adds First DLP Projector to Its Range of Supported Models

by Andrew Fenn

For the first time, Ymagis’ EclairColor HDR system has been paired with Barco’s DLP Cinema Laser projectors and installed at the Gaumont Pathé Opera theatre in Paris, France. Previously, EclairColor HDR was exclusive to …

Tags:Barco| Cinema| France| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Laser Projectors| Vol 25 - Issue 27

HDR Cinema at the ADS

by Matthew Brennesholtz

The first speaker on the HDR Cinema topic was Christopher Buchanan of Samsung Electronics America titled The (LED) Future Starts Today. His talk was mostly a pep talk about LED Cinema especially, of course, …

Tags:Cinema| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| QLED & Advanced Displays Summit 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 26

BBC Streams UltraHD with HLG

by Bob Raikes

We seem to be a little late to report it, as there are only two matches left, but the BBC has been streaming UltraHD footage of the World Cup and the Wimbledon tennis tournament …

Tags:4k| BBC| HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| OTT Video| Sports and Stadiums| UltraHD| Vol 25 - Issue 27

Display & Mastering Tools at the ADS

by Matthew Brennesholtz

There were also four speakers in the Display & Mastering Tools section of the Advanced Display Summit. Mostly, the speakers discussed the tools their companies can provide to the production and post-production industry in …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Post Production| QLED & Advanced Displays Summit 2018| Vol 25 - Issue 26

8K/UHD-2 at the ADS

by Matthew Brennesholtz

Chris Chinnock opened the ADS with his talk titled Addressing the Challenges of Selling 8K. This talk mostly addressed issues associated with UHD-2 TV, not 8K cinema systems. The transition from Standard Definition (SD) …

Tags:Broadcast| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| Large Display Monitor| QLED & Advanced Displays Summit 2018| Super Hi-Vision (8K)| Vol 25 - Issue 26| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)