Gesture Recognition


Gesture Control Rises With New Applications

by Tom Allen

Gesture-sensing control (‘gesture control’) user interface shipments are forecast to rise 10% YoY this year, to 1.8 billion units. IHS says that touchscreen technology is not suitable for some new and emerging applications, such …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| HMI| IHS Markit| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 32

Research Reports Look at Gestures and Materials

by Tom Allen

Two new paid reports have been released; we have a summary of both, as well as a link to the relevant website. An analysis of the gesture recognition market for smart TV is available …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| OLED Materials| Smart TV| Vol 22 - Issue 28

Bird is New User Interface Option

by Chris Chinnock

At Infocomm 2015, we met with Israel-based MUV Interactive to learn more about their new user interface technology which they call the Bird. It is a device that is worn on the finger that …

Tags:Camera-based Touch| Gesture Recognition| Infocomm 2015| Large Display Monitor| Projectors| Vol 22 - Issue 26


3D in IZone at Display Week 2015

by Steve Sechrist

At Display Week 2015, in the prototype IZone booth, 3D display was alive and well. One such autostereoscopic (no glasses) technology came from a Shenzhen, China company, SuperD 3D technology, with its 3D mobile …

Tags:3D Content| 3D Content Creation| 3D display| 3D software| Autostereo 3D| Digital Signage| DOOH| Gesture Recognition| Holographic Displays| Holography| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2015| Stereo 3D| Vol 22 - Issue 24

Google Looks to Radars as Camera Replacement

by Tom Allen

Click to enlargeA new sensor, called Project Soli, which can be used to accurately track tiny hand movements has been shown off at Google I/O. The chip, for wearables, differs from other motion trackers …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Google| Mobile Display Monitor| Sensors| Vol 22 - Issue 23| Wearables

Gauging the Wearable Device User Experience

by Phillip Wright

Wearable devices continue to attract consumers’ attention and perhaps even more so after the Apple Watch went on sale April 24. However, reported production delays have limited deliveries to some customers. The recent availability …

Tags:Android Wear| Force Sensing| Gesture Recognition| GUIs| iOS (Apple)| Touch| Touch Controllers| Touch Interfaces| Vol 22 - Issue 21| Wearables

Touch and Non-Touch 2015 Market Growth

by Steve Sechrist

Source: Touch Display Research The next wave in both touch and touch-less technology was the focus at the Society for Information Display Pacific Northwest Chapter meeting with guest speaker, Dr. Jennifer Colegrove, Principal Analyst …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| HMI| ITO| ITO Replacement| Large Display Monitor| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Quantum Dots| Touch Market| Voice Input| Vol 22 - Issue 17

Apple Points the Way for User Interface Advances

by Phillip Wright

Apple’s March 9, 2015 press event disclosed a fairly extensive range of new products and initiatives. As I reported in my prior Display Daily (Notebook Computer Displays Evolve), the new MacBook (available April 10) …

Tags:Apple| Force Sensing| Gesture Recognition| Haptics| HMI| Multitouch| Notebooks| Touch| Touch Interfaces| Touch Pads| Vol 22 - Issue 13

Exceet Claims Inexpensive Gesture Recognition

by Tom Allen

Exceet Electronics GmbH claims to have developed a way to implement gesture control, without using cameras. The system is based on electronic field lines, and their modification through gestures. It can be installed in …

Tags:3D Depth Cameras| Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 13

“Greatly Improved” Ring Zero is Now Available

by Arthur Berman

Logbar (Tokyo, Japan) is now accepting pre-orders for the latest version of its Ring Zero finger-wearable input device. The use of Ring Zero simply requires that the user put the device on their index …

Tags:Gesture Recognition| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 13| Wearables