AWE 2016


AWE Round Up

by Bob Raikes

Atheer has been supplying smartglasses to be used with its software, but it is in the process of moving to become a software supplier, rather than hardware, so is also happy to work with …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2016| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 22

Intel’s Recon Instruments Sets out a Future Vision

by Bob Raikes

Dan Eisenhardt is from Recon Instruments, which is an A/R pioneer which was acquired by Intel and he gave one of the numerous keynotes at the event. He started by saying that by 2031, …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2016| Intel| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 22

Meta Misjudges the AWE Tone

by Bob Raikes

We met with Meta, which had made a presentation at last week’s SID Business Conference (IC9 Meta Moves on From Kickstarter) and at AWE the company was running demos in its suites. Unfortunately, the …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2016| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 22

AWE 2016 is Lively

by Bob Raikes

Augmented World Expo has been running in Silicon Valley for several years and we went along to the event, as we did last year, but this time we were able to attend the expo, …

Tags:AWE 2016| Large Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 22

Consumer Volume will Win in A/R

by Bob Raikes

Most of my week has been taken up with writing and editing our SID special report, which is a substantial one. However, I also found time, as I was in the San Francisco bay …

Tags:Augmented Reality| AWE 2016| Editorial| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 21

MicroLEDs on the Agenda for SID, AWE and Infocomm

by Bob Raikes

Our front page story from Sony was not difficult to choose this week. We have a special “microsite” with news from SID’s Display Week, which starts in a couple of days. In my introductory …

Tags:AWE 2016| Editorial| Infocomm 2016| Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| SID Display Week 2016| sony| Vol 23 - Issue 19