

An SID Display Week iZone Sneak Peek

by Steve Sechrist

Word on the street is that this year’s iZone (short for Innovation Zone) at the upcoming Society for Information Display (SID) Display Week will feature some hot new micro display module technology from Korea-based …

Tags:Automotive| Head Up Displays HUDs| LCOS| Microdisplays| SID Display Week 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 21

WayRay Navion 2

WayRay Announces Holographic Head Up Display for Later This Year

by Norbert Hildebrand

WayRay, a three year old Swiss based developer in the connected car space announced that it will be releasing its first two products later this year. In the middle of 2015 the company plans …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Automotive| Head Up Displays HUDs| Holographic Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 21

‘Significant’ HUD Growth to 2020

by Tom Allen

Image: WardsAutoHUDs are the next step on the path to fully autonomous vehicles, was a message coming from the 2015 WardsAuto Interiors Conference in Detroit this month. Speaker Jennifer Wahnschaf, of Continental, told organisers …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Automotive| Head Up Displays HUDs| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 20

Smartphones and Automotive Displays Bolster Panel Market

by Tom Allen

Taiwan’s MIC has predicted the first ever decline in the worldwide tablet market this year. However, small- and medium-size TFT-LCD panel (SMP) shipments will be upheld due to strong growth momentum of smartphones and …

Tags:Automotive| Mobile Display Monitor| Small Medium Panel Supply| Smartphones| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 18| Worldwide

IHS Forecasts Significant In-Car App Shift

by Tom Allen

IHS has conducted a survey of 4,000 people in the USA, China, Germany and the UK, intending to buy a new car within the next 36 months. Of these people, 90% own a smartphone …

Tags:Automotive| IHS Markit| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Vol 22 - Issue 17

TI Doubles HUD Field of View

by Tom Allen

TI has released its first automotive-qualified DLP chipset for HUD applications, enabling HUDs with a field-of-view up to 12°. Existing HUDs are limited to a 4° – 6° FoV, according to IHS’s Mark Boyadjis. …

Tags:Automotive| Chips| DLP| Head Up Displays HUDs| Mobile Display Monitor| TI (Texas Instruments)| Vol 22 - Issue 16

In-Car Infotainment Shifts to APAC

by Tom Allen

The Volvo XC90 has its own infotainment system, complemented with third-party productsThanks to a rapid expansion of connected navigation systems and in-car Wi-Fi, ABI Research predicts that Connected Automotive Infotainment Systems (CAIS) will grow …

Tags:Automotive| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 16

E-Lead Claims Projection Film Cuts HUD Cost by 90%

by Tom Allen

Taiwan’s E-Lead Electronics has developed a low-cost automotive HUD, showing it at the Taipei AMPA & AutoTronics show earlier this month. In-car HUDs usually take the form of a dedicated transparent display (‘combiner type’) …

Tags:Automotive| Head Up Displays HUDs| Mobile Display Monitor| Projection| Transparent Displays| Vol 22 - Issue 16

BMW Mini AR 1

BMW Mini Announces ‘Augmented Vision’

by Norbert Hildebrand

When a car maker like BMW makes news in the display world, we expect extra large displays in the dashboard or on the back seat, or even a new head up display with augmented …

Tags:AR Glasses| Augmented Reality| Automotive| Head Up Displays HUDs| Mobile Display Monitor| SmartGlasses| Vol 22 - Issue 16

Automotive Touch Grows at 18% CAGR, Shifts to Procap

by Tom Allen

Demand for touch screen automotive displays is rising rapidly, due to the widespread adoption of consumer devices such as smartphones and tablets. IHS predicts a CAGR of 18% through 2018 for automotive touch panel …

Tags:Automotive| IHS Markit| Market Data| Mobile Display Monitor| resistive| Touch| Touch Market| Vol 22 - Issue 16| Worldwide

Trends from MWC

by Norbert Hildebrand

We have posted a review of trends and developments at MWC by Norbert Hildebrand. He covers wearables and smartwatches as well as automotive and other technology developments.

Tags:Automotive| MWC 2015| Smartphones| Wearables