

Asus Expects Stronger Q4

by Tom Allen

Asus has predicted 10% QoQ sales growth in Q4, due to recovering demand. CFO Nick Wu told an inventors’ conference that Q4 PC shipments are expected to reach 5.8 million, up from 5.3 million …

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 45

MDM Product Roundup – Vol 22 No 45

by Tom Allen

Pre-orders have now started for Apple‘s iPad Pro tablet, with sales expected to begin this month. Pricing scales from $800 to $1,080. Asus has enhanced the Zenfone 2 smartphone (Asus Swims Against Current With …

Tags:Apple| Asus| Eyewear| LG Electronics (LGE)| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Smartphones| Smartwatches| tablets| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 45


Asus Expects Shipment Growth

by Tom Allen

Asus has said that it shipped 5.5 million smartphones in Q3, and expects this to rise to 7 million units in Q4. Such a result would put annual shipments at 20 million units. Asus …

Tags:Asus| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Smartphones| Vol 22 - Issue 45

SMPTE Trade Show Floor Updates

by Chris Chinnock

Our meetings in the SMPTE Exhibition area focused on display technology. At 3M, we saw numerous demonstrations of quantum dot displays integrated into products. 3M manufactures the QDEF film that contains quantum dots from …

Tags:3M (MMM)| Asus| Broadcast Monitors| Large Display Monitor| Nanosys| Quantum Dots| SMPTE 2015| Vol 22 - Issue 44

Tablets Fall Again in Q3

by Tom Allen

Q3 was the fourth consecutive quarter of falling worldwide tablet shipments, says IDC. Despite signs of a slight seasonal improvement, shipments slipped 12.6% YoY to 48.7 million units. Many mature markets, such as North …

Tags:Apple| Asus| Huawei| IDC| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| tablets| Vol 22 - Issue 44| Worldwide

Asus Brings 4k to Vivobook Line

by Tom Allen

The 15.6″ Vivobook 4K is Asus’s latest UltraHD laptop offering – joining a Zenbook of the same size – covering 100% sRGB and 72% NTSC. Built-in ‘Splendid’ technology is said to allow the adjustment …

Tags:Asus| IPS| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| UltraHD| Vol 22 - Issue 43

Asus Talks to Microsoft About Making a HoloLens Device

by Norbert Hildebrand

CNet reports that Asus CEO Jonney Shih and Terry Myerson, Microsoft’s EVP of Windows and devices, have been discussing the possibility of Asus coming out with their own version of Microsoft HoloLens. According to …

Tags:Asus| Microsoft| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 22 - Issue 42

High Inventory Keeps PCs Down Across EMEA

by Tom Allen

EMEA PC shipments fell 23% YoY in Q3’15, to 18.4 million, according to IDC. Ongoing currency fluctuations in several countries, as well as political instability in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, affected the …

Tags:Acer| Asus| Dell| Europe| HP Inc| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 22 - Issue 42


Asus Takes More Panels From Tianma

by Tom Allen

According to Asian news sources, Tianma Optoelectronics is expected to become the main panel supplier for new notebooks from Asus. Tianma already supplies Asus with smartphone paanels.

Tags:Asus| Large Display Monitor| LCD Panels| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Tianma| Vol 22 - Issue 41


Asus and Acer Rise On-Month

by Tom Allen

Asus’ revenues rose to NT$43.9 billion ($1.3 billion) in September, while Acer’s reached NT$29.4 billion ($904 million). The Asus result was up 7.6% MoM and 5.7% YoY. However, while Acer’s revenues rose 40.2% MoM, …

Tags:Acer| Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 22 - Issue 41

Currency Values and High Inventory Push PCs Down

by Tom Allen

Worldwide PC shipments fell 7.7% YoY in Q3’15, Gartner’s preliminary PC results show. Desktop PCs continued to exhibit weakness, with declines in the high single digits, while mobile PCs (notebooks and premium ultramobiles) fell …

Tags:Acer| Apple| Asus| Dell| Gartner| HP Inc| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| PC Market (Personal Computers - PCs)| Vol 22 - Issue 41| Worldwide


Asus Enjoys Triple-Digit Growth

by Tom Allen

Asus shipped 2 million notebooks worldwide in September, representing 127.3% MoM growth. Acer, meanwhile, managed to grow its shipments 41.7%, to 1.7 million units, according to supply chain sources.

Tags:Acer| Asus| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Notebooks| Vol 22 - Issue 40