

iPhone 5SE Renamed – Before Launch

by Tom Allen

According to reports, Apple’s new iPhone will ditch its numbering system entirely. Rather than the previously-rumoured ‘iPhone 5SE’ (Apple Goes Back One Gen With New iPhone), it will instead be referred to simply as …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 08


App Makers Stand with Apple

by Isaac Oburu

Today, Apple filed a motion to fight a California judge’s order that requires the company to create a back door to defeat the security features on the iPhone. Apple argued the judge had overstepped …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Security

Samsung Wins Patent Appeal

by Tom Allen

A federal appeals court in Washington has overturned a $120 million infringement ruling, made in Apple’s favour, against Samsung. The court said that Apple’s patents on the ‘slide-to-unlock’ feature and autocorrect were invalid, and …

Tags:Apple| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Patents| Samsung| USA| Vol 23 - Issue 08

Detachables Sustain European Tablet Market

by Tom Allen

More than 14 million tablets were shipped to Western Europe in Q4’15: a 10.1% decline YoY, says IDC. In value terms, however, the decline was only 1.8% thanks to the rising penetration of detachable …

Tags:Amazon| Apple| Asus| Convertible PCs| Europe| IDC| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| tablets| Vol 23 - Issue 07

Apple Faces First-Ever iPhone Fall

by Tom Allen

Global smartphone sales reached 403 million units in Q4’15, says Gartner: a 9.7% rise YoY. However, this was the slowest Q4 growth rate since 2008. Smartphone sales rose 14.4% YoY, to 1.4 billion units, …

Tags:Apple| Gartner| Huawei| iPhone| Large Display Monitor| Lenovo| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Smartphone Market| Vol 23 - Issue 07| Worldwide| Xiaomi


Apple Refuses to Compromise Security

by Tom Allen

Apple has refused a request by the FBI, made following the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino in December, to modify iOS and published an open letter explaining its reasoning. The company writes that it …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Mobile Display Monitor| Operating Systems| Security| USA| Vol 23 - Issue 06

Wistron to Supply New iPhone

by Isaac Oburu

According to local reports, Wistron will join Foxconn as a supplier of the entry-level iPhone, currently known as the iPhone 5SE. It is expected to be launched in the middle of March.

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Mobile Display Monitor| Smartphones| Supply Chain| Vol 23 - Issue 06

iPhone 5SE and iPad Air 3 to be Released

by Isaac Oburu

Apple is set to release iPhone 5SE and iPad Air 3 on the 18th March, according to reports. The iPhone 5SE (Apple Goes Back One Gen With New iPhone) is expected to features A8 …

Tags:Apple| iPhone| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 23 - Issue 06

LG Touts The Coming Revolution of OLED TVs

by Steve Sechrist

If you were among one of the 111.5 million viewers of Sunday’s Superbowl here in the US, there’s a good chance you also viewed a host of blockbuster commercials that themselves boast production budgets …

Tags:Apple| LG Electronics (LGE)| OLEDs| TV Set Market| Vol 23 - Issue 05

Is Apple Interested in AR / VR?

by Norbert Hildebrand

In its recent earnings call, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook was asked what his level of interest in virtual reality may be. He answered “In terms of virtual reality, no, I don’t think it’s a …

Tags:Apple| AR Glasses| Augmented Reality| Mobile Display Monitor| Virtual Reality| Vol 23 - Issue 04

Semiconductors Fall in 2015

by Tom Allen

The global semiconductor industry posted sales of $335.2 billion in 2015, says the Semiconductor Industry Association: a slight (0.2%) decrease YoY. 2014 was the industry’s highest-ever result. Global sales for December reached $27.6 billion, …

Tags:Apple| Gartner| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Semiconductor Market| Vol 23 - Issue 04| Worldwide