What They Say
Auganix reports that MAN commercial vehicles in Romania is seeing a reduced time-to-diagnosis by 75% and cut specialists’ travel time in half following the introduction of the use of RealWear Assisted-reality glasses. The service provider has 14 facilities in the country and has a limited number of MAN vehicle specialists.
- When workers cannot identify issues, they contact specialists wearing RealWear glasses.
- Vehicle specialists can view the vehicles and instruct workers on how to address issues using built-in, noise-cancelling headphones and speakers.
- The hands-free device allows mechanics to work on the vehicle while collaborating with specialists.
- Workers are not looking at a screen.
- The headset also supports voice-activated Android apps.
Earlier this month, RealWear raised $23.5M Series C in a round led by the Foundry Group.
What We Think
This looks like a classic use case for AR in industry. (BR)