
Peerless-AV Acquires ADF Visual Display Products

AV technology pioneer Peerless-AV® announced that it has acquired ADF Visual Display Products™ of Southern California. Specialising in complex dvLED construction, ADF has engineered and manufactured some of the most prominent, visually stunning and challenging dvLED deployments of the last decade.

Acting as a discreet OEM design and manufacturing partner for two of the industry’s best known dvLED infrastructure companies, ADF has set the standard for excellence in the category.

“Our dvLED business exploded virtually overnight. We began partnering with ADF on projects where our capacity simply would not allow us to do it in house,” said John Potts CEO of Peerless-AV. “After seeing the quality of the ADF product, for both ourselves as well as another significant name in the industry, we realised that they were the logical addition to our company to facilitate our dynamic growth.”

Some of the most high-profile projects to feature ADF’s engineering and manufacturing expertise include a dvLED video wall at a sports book in Las Vegas. The video wall measures 140 W x 12 H (4,166 Sq Ft) with a total 1680 dvLED displays, configured as a flat to wall into 90-degree concave curve into a flat to wall, as well as a 73 x 5 conical overhead lobby array, where the displays are trapezoidal. ADF’s most recent custom dvLED design feat for Peerless-AV is a 183 x 5 (288 ft x 8.86 ft), 915 cabinets, 313.26-degree cylinder, fully floating system attached to a university building wall in Morocco.

“Peerless-AV has long been the go-to provider as an infrastructure and accessory partner to the best in the industry, managing complex, competitive environments. We look forward to expanding our in-house capabilities to be a more agile and holistic partner for the totality of dvLED infrastructure needs,” said Nick Belcore Executive Vice President of Peerless-AV. “

Lou Mannick, a distinguished AV industry innovator and Founder of ADF is actively at the forefront in developing foundations for dvLED displays. “The booming dvLED market poses new and complex opportunities as the next generation dvLED cabinets evolve to a lighter, more flexible chassis. Lou believes where we once positioned cabinets, we must urgently focus on the new paradigm of positioning pixels. This dovetails with ADF becoming Peerless AV as we turn the page and embark on the next chapter in covering building surfaces with brilliant dvLED pixels,” noted Edward Warner, General Manager of ADF.

About Peerless-AV

For over 80 years, passion and innovation continue to drive Peerless-AV forward. We proudly design and manufacture the highest quality products, including outdoor displays and TVs, dvLED and LCD video wall systems, complete integrated kiosks, professional trolleys and stands, and more. Whether a full-scale global deployment or high-volume custom project, Peerless-AV develops meaningful relationships and delivers world-class service. In partnership with Peerless-AV, you are trusting an award-winning team of experts who will support your business every step of the way.