
Panel Non-Adjustments to Cause Notebook Oversupply – MIC

There are no plans to lower notebook panel shipments this year, says Taiwan’s MIC. Concerns have thus been raised over excess supply and price competition.

A YoY comparison puts the panel/notebook unit shipment declines close together. Worldwide notebook PC panel shipments will reach 191.8 million this year, according to major vendors’ plans: a 0.3% YoY fall. 170.5 million notebooks are set to be shipped, representing a 0.9% decline.

BY quantities, however, there are on average almost 5% more panels shipped than notebooks in a year. The ratio was lower in 2013, but higher (12%) in 2014. This excess supply is likely to impact panel shipments this year. Despite this, panel vendors have still not lowered notebook panel production for 2015 – which could cause oversupply to reach 13%.

Worldwide Notebook PC Panel Shipments vs. Notebook PC Set Shipments, 2013 – 2015