
OLED Beats LCD in All Categories at HDTVTest Shootout

HDTVTest and AV retailer Crampton & Moore’s annual TV shootout, the third of its scale so far in 2017, has seen a clean sweep by OLED across its five categories, beating LCD TV’s for all the top prizes, as well as the runner-up positions.

Those in attendance (A/V enthsiasts) were asked to test the TVs on offer and rate them on a scale of one to eight for contrast, color, motion, uniformity, video processing, gaming, bright room, HDR. The TVs were set up by HDTVTest and by Tyler Pruitt from Portrait Displays.

The LG B7, the Panasonic EZ1000 and the Sony A1 rinsed competition from a Samsung and one of Sony’s own LCDs. The A1 was named “Best Living Room TV”, while the B7 won in categories for gaming and HDR. Panasonic’s offering won “Best Home Theatre TV” and went on to be named “Best TV of 2017” with the LG B7 coming in second.