
New Toshiba Plan May Include PC Sale

According to Japan’s Sankei newspaper, Toshiba may announce its business plan, covering the next three fiscal years, in March. The company will set fiscal targets, and – apparently – plans to restructure its operations and sell addition assets. The move follows the revelation of accounting malpractice (Toshiba CEO Resigns Over Accounting Scandal) and a threat of a fine from Japan’s Securities and Exchange commission (Toshiba Faces Fines For Accounting Scandal).

Masahi Muromachi, the company’s new president, has said that Toshiba will detail a restructuring plan this year. The plan may include the sale of the PC and appliance businesses. He added that the company is considering merging its PC business with those of Fujitsu and Vaio, the Sony spin-off.

Separately, a report from Japan’s Asahi Shimbun newspaper claims that Toshiba is considering selling its TV business. The company will end TV production at its Indonesian facilities, and may sell the plant to Compal. A jont venture plant in Egypt could also be sold to Egyptian manufacturer El Araby.