HTC has shown a new VR headset that uses the U11 smartphone (HTC U11 Beats Google Pixel) for processing and includes a 6DOF tracking system. A stereo camera is supplied for tracking purposes and dual hand controllers. The headset includes dual 1080 x 1200 displays that run at 80Hz.
Surprisingly, HTC is not using the Vive brand for the headset and it is called the HTC Link. Again, surprisingly, the headset is to just be available, at least initially, in Japan. Connectivity is via USB Type C and HTC said that the field of view is 110º. Weight is 554gms and the headset includes a 2800 mAh battery.
The bulging top portion of the headset lights up to function as an optically tracked marker, similar to the glowing markers on PSVR and PlayStation Move. Image:HTC
Analyst Comment
HTC is working with Google on the stand-alone VR headset that Google is developing using the Daydream technology. (Google To Develop Stand-Alone VR Headset) (BR)
The Link sits between simple smartphone headsets and dedicated PC headsets.