
macOS High Sierra Update Boosts Video, Graphics and VR Support

The new version of macOS, High Sierra, brings a range of improvements to Apple computers, including upgrades for video playback, graphics capabilities and VR support.

The update includes support for the HEVC (H.265) video codec, as expected. (Apple Adopts HEVC Across the Range) Users can now stream Ultra HD video in full quality with super-efficient compression, allowing for a 40% reduction in storage space requirements.

The new industry standard, the implementation of HEVC allows Apple users to enjoy Ultra HD video from providers that could previously only offer HD content.

Apple’s Metal 2 advanced graphics technology incorporates a refined API and improved performance that will allow software developers to realise their apps’ full graphical potential.

High Sierra also ups the ante on VR support, with content creation and development, as well as SteamVR support for the HTC Vive now enabled on macOS. A 360° VR workflow update is also planned for Final Cut Pro X, which will allow users to import, edit and export 360° video.

macOS High Sierra is available to download now for free. A full list of the additions is available here.

Analyst Comment

The biggest issue with High Sierra is that it doesn’t support VP9, which is the codec used for UltraHD by Google, so used for UltraHD content on YouTube. Safari doesn’t support VP9, either and nor does the Apple TV. (BR)