
HDR10 to Win Tech Battle

Strategy Analytics has created a report, “High Dynamic Range TV: Content and Technology Implications”, that looks at the implications of HDR. Looking at competing HDR technologies, the report concludes that HDR10 has already become the leading standard, and HLG will also become widely adopted during 2017, while Dolby Vision will remain as a premium HDR option.

“HDR allows content creators to get closer than ever before to delivering artistic intent,” says David Mercer, Principal Analyst and the report’s author. “But they still have to decide which technologies to use and understand the different ways HDR is implemented in consumer TVs. HDR ultimately raises the question of what artistic intent means and whether there is a single technology that can deliver it,” says Mercer. “The creative community is only now beginning to explore the potential for HDR to transform the video experience and its impact on viewers.”