Hans-Joachim Kamp of the GFU pictured at IFA. Image:MekoThe GFU in Germany has conducted a survey of 2,000 households in Germany on trends. 90% of households have PC, followed by TV at 89%, but in the 60+ age group, these products both go up to 95%. Smartphones hit 83% penetration, with that number rising to 91% in the 16 to 39 year old segments.
Game consoles are much lower at 28% and audio streaming penetration is 12%, again with higher penetration among younger people in both – rising to 47% for game consoles in the 16 to 39 year old category and dropping to 7% in the 60+ group.
Turning to smartphones, the use of social media is 66% among the young group, but only 39% among the over 60s.
Looking at TV purchasing, while the average pricing of TV sets bought in Germany is around €600, consumers said that they were willing to spend more with most being willing to spend €800 to €900. 43% (up from 30% last year) said that would spend over €1,000 and 11% would go over €1,400. UltraHD is a preferred option for 47% of consumers, up from 36%, while SmartTV is an important feature for 31% (up from 29%).
42% of respondents already have a Smart TV already and of these sets, 88% are connected to the internet to make the most of catch up TV. TV viewing remains popular, even with the young in Germany, and 59% of 16 to 39 year olds said that they watched TV without smart funcitons. 59% of that group is willing to pay for programmes, but that drops to 16% in the 60+ group.
American content is catching on and “The popularity of Amazon Prime offers is 73%. Netflix is ranked second with 41% and Google Play with 28% in third place. The German provider Maxdome comes fourth with 24%, “said Hans-Joachim Kamp.
Only 15% are interested in VR and only 4% have a VR system already and 63% said they were not interested in VR, while 18% did not know the term.
Telemedicine is considered interesting, but as is often the case in Germany, there are a lot of concern about data security, with 53% of respondents reporting concerns.
Analyst Comment
The data was presented in Germany as part of the build up to IFA. (BR)