
FCC Proposes Rule Change for ATSC 3.0 Introduction

The FCC in the US is circulating a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposing to authorise TV broadcasters to use the ATSC 3.0 broadcast television transmission standard on a voluntary, market-driven basis. The NPRM makes it clear that TV broadcasters should continue to deliver current-generation DTV broadcast service using the ATSC 1.0 standard to their viewers. ATSC 3.0 is being developed by broadcasters with the intent of merging the capabilities of OTA broadcasting with the broadband viewing and information delivery methods of the Internet, using the same 6 MHz channels presently allocated for DTV.

According to a coalition of broadcast and consumer electronics industry representatives, the use of ATSC 3.0 has the potential to greatly improve broadcast signal reception, particularly on mobile devices and television receivers without outdoor aerials. It will also enable broadcasters to offer enhanced and new features to consumers, including UHD picture and immersive audio, more localised programming content, an advanced emergency alert system (EAS) capable of waking up sleeping devices to warn consumers of imminent emergencies, better accessibility options, and interactive services.

In the NPRM, the FCC is seeking public input and comment on a number of proposals:.

  • FCC proposes that MVPDs be required to continue carrying broadcasters’ ATSC 1.0 signals, but not be required to carry ATSC 3.0 signals during the Next Gen TV transition. FCC also seek comment on issues related to the voluntary carriage of ATSC 3.0 signals through the retransmission consent process.
  • FCC seeks comment on whether Next Gen TV transmissions will raise any interference concerns for existing DTV operations or for any other services or devices that operate in the TV bands or in adjacent bands. FCC propose to calculate Next Gen TV interference to DTV signals using the methodology and planning factors specified in OET Bulletin 69 (OET-69). They also propose to define a “DTV-equivalent” service area for the Next Gen TV signal using the methodology and planning factors defined for DTV in OET-69 and to define a protection threshold for Next Gen TV signals that would be as robust as an equivalent DTV signal.
  • FCC proposes that television stations transmitting signals in ATSC 3.0 be subject to the public interest obligations currently applicable to television broadcasters. In addition, FCC seek comment on its tentative conclusion that it is unnecessary at this time to adopt an ATSC 3.0 tuner mandate for new television receivers. They seek comment on whether broadcasters should be required to provide on-air notifications to educate consumers about their transition to Next Gen TV service and on how to ensure that deployment of Next Gen TV-based transmissions will not negatively impact the post-incentive auction transition process.