
Fast Charge Batteries? And Very Cheap QD Alternatives?

Although we don’t cover batteries, they have a huge influence on device design and the pressures on displays makers, so when we spotted a story from the BBC on new ‘fast charge’ batteries, we thought we would have a look. The report is of a new technology from StoreDot of Israel, which claims to be able to charge a smartphone in five minutes and which is said to be due for mass production by two Asian battery makers in Q1 2018, with pilot production now. The company claims the advantages of the speed of supercapacitors and also of lithium batteries. The company also claims to be working on batteries for electric cars.

The firm also claims to have cadmium-free colour conversion materials (like QDs or phosphors) and called MolecuLED, but claimed to be at just 5% of the cost of QD materials.

Analyst Comment

I’m fond of saying “If they can do what they say they can do….” If StoreDot really has materials that can compete with QDs at 5% of the cost, why say that? Why not just say 25% of the cost and make a lot of profit? In fact, the company was saying that it was 30% cheaper when we reported on developments at CES 2016. ( StoreDot: An Organic Quantum Dot Alternative)The firm seems to have an impressive list of executives including a CTO that is a Professor at Tel Aviv University, so perhaps the company has some kind of breakthrough technology. (BR)
