
Everything Used to be Better

The increasing pressure on the purchasing department significantly reduces the quality of displays. This is shown by an analysis by Wammes and Partner. The German company is internationally recognized for its expertise in the production of electronic flat displays and therefore is increasingly providing troubleshooting services. For this purpose, it has been investigating orders for the last three years.

“The repair requests and analysis orders which are submitted to us make it clear that the most frequent causes of display failure are no longer wrong operation or use. The new main errors are partial disinterest and technical lack of understanding among decision-makers, “says Klaus Wammes, CEO and founder of Wammes and Partner GmbH. According to his analysis, purchasers as a result of rising costs simply make wrong decisions in processes and materials, thus creating completely new sources of error.

Yet, numerous errors could have been avoided during the manufacturing. Too often, material, glue and technology are combined by wrong motivation. With far-reaching consequences: defective parts and modules pre-programmed for failure have already been installed from the outset. For example, false adhesives are selected, coefficients of expansion are ignored, or the concentration of the display elements is underestimated. As the complexity of the devices increases, this means, among other things, contamination, overheating and failure.

Wammes: “In spite of all the requirements, a well thought-out and, above all, a functional capability rather than just a cost-oriented approach is indispensable.” According to the expert, it is avoidable to take action when the device fails. “Even a lower priced component can achieve a good to very good product quality. Important is a physical, chemical and technically trained view of the planned material composite.” Therefore, Wammes offers its customers not only troubleshooting for spontaneous or unexpected tasks, but also planning requirements to ensure the functionality of electronic displays from the start. On its continuously updated service portal //[email protected]:143/”>, interested parties can get a first overview.