EU Corrects Power Calculation Equation

 What They Say

In the discussions on the website about the issue of power consumption and 8K TVs, I found the regulations very confusing as the equation for calculation didn’t seem to make sense to me. So I am very grateful to Rasmus Larsen of the website for spotting my comments and posting a corrected equation that the EU is using. ( New 8K TVs Illegal from 2023 in the EU?). The equation is below. He said:

“The equation included in the first revision of EU’s ecodesign documentation is incorrect. There’s only corr = 0 and 10, no 3. EU has posted an amended version here and I’ve attached the correct equation below:…

The relevant A value can be found for each size class by scanning the QR code on EU’s energy labels.”

What We Think

Phew – I had thought I was going slightly mad with the equation as published. I never did get a response from Digital Europe after the initial acknowledgement of my query about the situation on 8K.  (BR)

eu energy proc