
E Ink Used for Smart Packaging

E Ink is working with Texen to develop smart packaging solutions and customisable packing for make-up compacts, perfume bottles and other cosmetic packaging. The labels use NFC to update and power the E Ink displays. The resulting packaging provides consumers with the following benefits:

  • Personalisation features: consumers can put their names on their makeup compacts and perfume bottles or write personal messages to gift recipients
  • Neuro-cosmetics: combining well-being and a unique sensorial experience, E Ink displays will be the interface to bridge consumers’ digital lifestyle with the product itself
  • Connected cosmetics: connectivity will be the vehicle for targeted advertising and social media campaigns
  • DIY beauty formulation: E Ink display modules can integrate sensor or diagnostic components to enable beauty treatments based on skin condition as affected by factors such as weather, humidity, etc.

Analyst Comment

This deal was actually announced a few weeks ago, but we missed it at the time.