
E Ink Holdings Looks to ESLs & SmartTags

The Taiwan Times said that E Ink Holdings expects to ship between 30 million and 40 million shelf labels and smart tags this year, bringing the cumulative total since it started the business in 2012 to 100 million units. The firm expects growth of 20% to 30% next year. Europe is currently the big market, but other regions, especially the US and China, will start to catch up in 2017. More than half the business is in 2″, 2.9″, 4″ and 7″ sizes according to the reports.

We reported on the integrated luggage tags used by Rimowa earlier this year from Passenger Terminal Expo and also the developments by BagTag. E Ink said that it has shipped 100,000 units of ‘smart tags’ over the last two years.

BagTag’s SmartTag. Image:Meko