Sony said that the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan is using Sony laser projectors to unlock some of the secrets behind particle physics research in collaboration with CERN. The museum approached Sony Professional to help them demonstrate particle physics in an engaging way to their visitors as there’s a challenge in presenting the concept of more than four dimensions to the average person. The museum chose Sony’s VPL-FHZ57 projectors.
The Sony projectors were installed in three different settings inside the Museum:
- From traces to events. The exhibition itinerary begins by presenting research methods relating to particle physics—the main theme of the entire exhibition—in an easily accessible way
- Extra dimensions allows visitors to come into contact with a world in which the number of possible dimensions is greater than the four that we all know. Using projections made possible by the VPL-FHZ57, visitors see their image gradually reflected before becoming lost and then redistributed to other points in the space in unrecognisable forms, like a sort of contemporary and technological cubist picture
- Dark matter is an interactive multimedia installation that uses Sony projectors to suggest how existence and the behaviour of that which is “seen” in the Universe are determined by something unseen, in other words dark matter. Thanks to the technology installed, visitors can shape the “matter” and see how it affects the galaxies projected above them.