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Perovskite for Displays: Diamond in the Rough or Fool’s Gold

by Joseph Bryans

he adaptable composition and structure of perovskites, coupled with their ability to form high-quality crystals at low temperatures, continue to drive research and innovation across various technological domains.

Tags:Perovskite| resaerch| showcase

TV Price Wars Heating Up

by Shawnee Blackwood

The stirrings of a price war can be felt if you have your fingers working Amazon’s pages.

Tags:Amazon| Hisense| MiniLED| OLED| QLED| Roku| Samsung| showcase| TCL| TV market

Netflix Shows Significant Subscriber Growth

by Joseph Bryans

The company continues to innovate, introducing an advertising-supported service tier and investing in live programming to sustain its growth.

Tags:Netflix| streaming

Driving Automotive AR

by Jon Peddie

Taking on the big questions that OEMs face in differentiating with AR.

Tags:Augmented Reality| Automotive