

Samsung Announces New 2018 Home Entertainment Lineup

by Damir Lokas

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. unveiled its 2018 home entertainment lineup at the company’s ‘First Look in New York’ event. Samsung highlighted details about its flagship QLED TV models and its expanded lineup of Ultra …


Broomx Finds Applications for Entry-Level Caves

by Bob Raikes

One of the few booths at MWC that was about large displays, was Broomx, who we reported on last year, who had a small booth in the 4YFN area and a small demo room …

Tags:CAVEs| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Projectors| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Asus Has Big Launch for ZenFone 5

by Bob Raikes

In the last couple of years, Asus has had less of a presence at MWC than in previous years. However, this year it came back with a ‘bang’, hosting an event in Barcelona on …

Tags:Asus| Convertible PCs| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Qualcomm| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Shorter Month Results in Lower Shipments

by Yvette Raikes

The shorter month of February saw a drop of 15.6% MoM in large panel shipments to 16.929 million for the four main suppliers, but this was only down 3.8% YoY. AUO announced February revenue …

Tags:AUO| CPT| Financial Data| Hannstar (Hannspree)| Innolux| Large Display Monitor| Large LCD Supply| Vol 25 - Issue 11

VESA Positive on DisplayPort Developments

by Bob Raikes

We met with VESA only a couple of months ago at CES, so there was not a huge amount of news, but there were plenty of discussions! The new version of DisplayStream Compression is …

Tags:Cables| Display Stream (DSC)| DisplayPort| Fibre optics| Interfaces| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| VESA| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 09

VueReal Raises $10.5 Million for Micro LED Display Technologies

by Andrew Fenn

VueReal, a developer of technologies for micro-LED displays, has announced the initial closing of its $10.5 million Series A funding round led by the venture arm of a large Asian company and a leading …

Tags:Investment| Large Display Monitor| MicroLED| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 25 - Issue 09

WitsView: Penetration of Full-Screen Smartphone Will Surge 45% in 2018

by Andrew Fenn

This year’s Mobile World Congress has concluded and major smartphone vendors at the event have unveiled their smartphone lineup for this year, revealing the development trends in smartphone technology and specifications. According to WitsView, …

Tags:LCD Panels| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Smartphone Market| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Panasonic Fills In Europe LCD TV Line-up

by Milos Pavlovic

Panasonic highlighted its new OLED TVs at CES (Panasonic Keeps OLED for Studios in the US) and they will ship in April/May. Now the company has filled in the details on the LCD models …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| LCD TVs| Panasonic| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Netflix Reveals That 70% of Its Viewers Are Watching on TV

by Andrew Fenn

Netflix says that 70% of all its viewers are watching its content on their TVs, as opposed to watching via computers, smartphones or tablets, even if they originally used those devices to sign up …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Netflix| OTT Video| TVs (TV Sets)| Vol 25 - Issue 09

HTC’s Emphasis is on Vive Products

by Bob Raikes

HTC’s booth was mainly devoted to the various Vive products although there were also still some smartphones. That reduction in emphasis on smartphones is not surprising as the company has moved most of its …

Tags:HTC| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Smartphones| Virtual Reality| Vol 25 - Issue 09

Lenovo Promotes Moto Mods & New Yogas

by Bob Raikes

Lenovo was promoting its consumer PCs and also, of course, the Motorola range. As we covered Lenovo quite a lot at CES, we focused mainly on the phones at MWC. Lots of the time …

Tags:Convertible PCs| Healthcare| Mobile Display Monitor| MWC 2018| Smartphones| Vol 25 - Issue 09