Buzz Aldrin has launched a VR film outlining his plan to get humans to Mars. Buzz Aldrin, was the second man to set foot on the Moon. The film, called Cycling Pathways to Mars, is just under 10 minutes long and features a hologram figure of the astronaut speaking about the plan to get to Mars. The plan involves using the Earth’s moon, and the moons of Mars, as stopping points in the six months each way journey.
Aldrin told the BBC that he hoped the film would help governments focus on a single plan. He also welcomed investment from SpaceX in space travel, but believes that it is governments who must provide guidance on a Mars colony, and not companies.
The film was created by VR firm 8i in partnership with Time. The film shows views of the surface of Mars and what a Mars colony may look like.
The film is available to view on HTC’s Vive headset and will soon be available on Oculus Rift.
Buzz Aldrin Appears as a Hologram in the Film