Barco Adds New 12MP Display for Radiography

What They Say

Barco has a new 12MP Nio Fusion display that can be used for radiography (PACS and mammography), but is also suitable for general office applications. The display has a resolution of 4200 x 2800 and has a 30.9″ (784mm) diagonal in a 3:2 aspect ratio. The display can be used as a dual 2100 x 2800 display. Brightness is 1,200 cd/m² (600 cd/m² calibrated) with 1,500:1 contrast. The full specification is here.

What We Think

Barco has a good business in medical displays. Over the years I have reported very favourably on the firm’s attention to the detailed needs of users (e.g. More on the Uniti from Barco). Part of the reason for reporting this story is that Barco didn’t quote the resolution or aspect ratio. Radiography is one of the few verticals that uses megapixels in this way. A 6MP radiography display is well understood in the industry.

For many years, I ranted about the fact that display makers didn’t make the most of the megapixel argument. I lost count of the major brand product managers who failed to really understand how good their displays were in megapixel terms. (You can see the full rant here So what the !?XXX is a Qwuxga?, published in 2015). Most egregiously, a 4K display has 8 megapixels, while a 5K has 14.7 megapixels, 77% more, whereas most seeing the 4K to 5K specification description will imagine a 25% improvement. (BR)

Barco Nio Fusion