Isaac Oburu


Corning Lotus™ NXT Glass Chosen for Samsung Display’s LTPS-OLED Line

by Isaac Oburu

Corning Incorporated (NYSE: GLW) announced Samsung Display’s selection of Corning Lotus™ NXT Glass for its line of low-temperature polysilicon (LTPS), organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels. Samsung Display, a global leader in display panel technology …

Tags:Corning| Glass| Samsung

UDC Korea Opens New Headquarters

by Isaac Oburu

UDC Korea, a wholly owned subsidiary of Universal Display Corporation, enabling energy-efficient displays and lighting with its UniversalPHOLED® technology and materials, announced today the opening of its new headquarters in Pangyo Techno Valley. The …

Tags:Korea| UDC

Virtualized Video Encoders to grow to $888 million in 2020

by Isaac Oburu

The continued push towards cloud computing throughout the IT industry is making its way into video markets. Virtualization in the encoder market is expected to grow from 34% of the market in 2014 to …

Tags:Video Encoders & Decoders

ICFLIX launches on PS3 and PS4 gaming consoles

by Isaac Oburu

ICFLIX, the Middle East and North Africa’s leading Internet streaming service, have partnered with Sony to make movies and TV series from ICFLIX available to be streamed instantly to TVs via the PlayStation®3 (PS3™) …

Tags:MEA (Middle East & Africa)| PlayStation| sony| Streaming Video

Milan Expo 2015 says “Si” to AV Stumpfl

by Isaac Oburu

Over eighty solid-state FHD Media Players and 10 Wings Engine media servers were deployed in over seven Pavilions at Milan Expo 2015. Highlighting includes the work achieved by Leading Technologies SRL, working with several …

Tags:Distribution| Events| Italy

Christie presents ‘total solutions’ at LDI 2015

by Isaac Oburu

Christie® is painting stunning pixels everywhere at the Live Design International (LDI) show in Las Vegas October 23-25, and is demonstrating its total solutions approach for both live events and permanent installations. Christie Boxer, …

Tags:Christie| DLP Projectors| Events| USA


Ericsson and TIM present first LTE Broadcast concert in Italy

by Isaac Oburu

Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) and TIM, in collaboration with Samsung and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., presented a previously unreleased live concert of singer-songwriter Max Gazzè, broadcast for the first time in Italy in LTE Broadcast technology at …

Tags:Broadcast| Ericsson| Italy| LTE| Qualcomm| Samsung