Isaac Oburu


Tom’s Guide Invites Submissions for CES 2016 Awards

by Isaac Oburu

The editors of Tom’s Guide & Laptop Mag are inviting submissions for its CES 2016 Awards. The winners are groundbreaking gadgets that are innovating in design, performance and the user experience in multiple categories. …

Tags:Awards| CES 2016

Verizon unveils Ellipsis 10 tablet

by Isaac Oburu

Looking for a powerful tablet with a stunning display, clear sound and massive battery life? The new Ellipsis® 10 tablet offers an astonishingly crisp and vibrant 10-inch full HD display, the largest capacity battery …

Tags:tablets| Verizon

TabletTV Plus Launches for Pre-Order

by Isaac Oburu

Tablet TV LLC, the joint venture between Motive Television plc and Granite Broadcasting Corporation, announced that it will begin taking pre-orders at 00:01 AM ET, Thursday, November 12th for TabletTV Plus, its inclusive TV …

Tags:Mobile TV| Stream TV| tablets

LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE Launching Now In United States

by Isaac Oburu

The LG Watch Urbane 2nd Edition LTE, the first Android Wear smartwatch to feature cellular connectivity, will begin rolling out to customers worldwide starting this month in the United States and Korea. AT&T has …

Tags:Android Wear| Smartwatches

Meet Royole-X, The World’s First Foldable Smart Mobile Theatre

by Isaac Oburu

Royole Corporation recently launched its new wearable product Royole-X, the first foldable smart mobile theatre device of its kind. With the highest pixel density displays, stunning noise-cancelling headphones, novel operating system Royole-X OS and …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Wearables

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Unveils First 4K Ultra HD Discs

by Isaac Oburu

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) today announced the studio’s first releases in the next-generation 4K Ultra HD™ Disc format, which will arrive in early 2016. “By some estimates, consumers will own over 100 million …

Tags:sony| UltraHD & 4K

LG Electronics Honored With 21 CES 2016 Innovation Awards

by Isaac Oburu

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA®), formerly the Consumer Electronics Association, is recognizing LG Electronics’ (LG) excellence in design and technology with 21 awards for innovative products to be on display at CES 2016 in …

Tags:Awards| LG Electronics (LGE)| OLED TVs| Smartphones