Isaac Oburu


COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2016 – New Position, New Exhibits and New Look!

by Isaac Oburu

COMPUTEX TAIPEI, organized by TAITRA, Taiwan External Trade Development Council and TCA, Taipei Computer Association, is set to open from May 31st to June 4th, 2016. For the past few years, the ICT industry …

Tags:Events| ICT| Internet of Things IOT

Technicolor HDR receives support from SoC manufacturers

by Isaac Oburu

Technicolor today announced that a growing number of leading TV and Set Top Box (STB) System-on-Chip (SoC) manufacturers are integrating Technicolor’s High Dynamic Range (HDR) Delivery Solution into their offerings, including: Marvell, MStar Semiconductor, …

Tags:HDR - High Dynamic Range| Marvell| Semiconductors| Sigma Designs| STMicroelectronics| Technicolor

MediaTek launches SoC for Ultra-HD 4K Blu-ray players

by Isaac Oburu

MediaTek today announced the MediaTek MT8581, a highly integrated multimedia system-on-chip for Ultra High Definition (4K) Blu-ray players. The MT8581 will power the industry’s first Blu-ray players to use both Ultra-HD (UHD) and high-dynamic …

Tags:Blu-ray Players| Mediatek| Semiconductors| UltraHD

Stream TV Highlights First Ultra-D Glasses-Free 3D Video Walls

by Isaac Oburu

Stream TV Networks™ will showcase the exceptional quality of Ultra-D™, its award-winning proprietary hardware and software solution that allows users to watch all of their content in fully adjustable 4K glasses-free 3D, at the …

Tags:CES 2016| Stream TV

Cima NanoTech Powers the Next Generation of Large Touch Screen Displays

by Isaac Oburu

Cima NanoTech, a developer and manufacturer of transparent conductive film solutions, is offering hands-on demonstrations of ultra responsive large touch screens at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The company’s proprietary SANTE technology …

Tags:CES 2016| Cima Nanotech| LFD - Large Format Display| Touch