Isaac Oburu


Insight Media Covers Better Pixels in New White Papers

by Isaac Oburu

Insight Media, a source of in-depth technical news and analysis for the display trade, has published several new white papers covering the ‘Better Pixels’ movement (registration required). The first white paper, ‘The Status of …

Tags:3D (Three Dimensions)| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HFR - High Frame Rate| Projectors| UltraHD| Wide Colour Gamut (WCG)

GSMA Provides Further Updates on 2016 Mobile World Congress

by Isaac Oburu

The GSMA today provided further updates on the 2016 GSMA Mobile World Congress, including new keynote speakers, events and partner programmes. Mobile World Congress will be held 22-25 February 2016 at Fira Gran Via …

Tags:Events| GSMA| Spain

Giant Clams Offer Clues to Improve Solar Cells, Color Displays

by Isaac Oburu

Researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara have discovered that some species of giant clams produce their white coloration much like the displays used in televisions and smartphones do – by combining red, …

Tags:Optics| USA

NEC Celebrates Digital Cinema Projector Milestone

by Isaac Oburu

NEC Display Solutions Europe today celebrates a milestone for digital cinema projectors, with New Lineo cinemas in Israel installing NEC’s 10,000th projector. The milestone marks the evolution of NEC’s cinema-wide portfolio, which enables cinemas …

Tags:Cinema Projection| NEC| Projectors