Helen Vince


Market and Technology Outlook for Flexible and Printed Displays

by Helen Vince

cMobile Displays, Large Displays – The 2014 Printed Electronics Conference (Santa Clara, CA, November 18-20) provided a good opportunity to assess the technology candidates and market prospects for flexible and printed displays. For example, the …

Tags:Electrochromic Displays| EPD (Electrophoretic)| eReaders| Flexible Displays| Mobile Display Monitor| Printed Electronics Conference 2014 (Santa Clara)| Vol 21 - Issue 48


Thanksgiving and Black Friday Break Online Sales Records

by Helen Vince

Market – The Adobe 2014 Digital Index saw a record breaking kick-off to the holiday shopping season in the US that started on Thanksgiving Day, with Adobe reporting $1.33B in online sales as shoppers combined online buying with the …

Tags:Black Friday| Retail Data| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Juniper Research Publishes Market Forecast for Wearables

by Helen Vince

Market Forecast – Wearable devices are the darling of the season with many looking forward to the reception of the Apple Watch.  Juniper Research has meanwhile released its new “Smart Health & Fitness Wearables: Device …

Tags:Fitness Trackers| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 48| Wearable Market

Canatu’s In-Mold Conductive Film Reaches Production Readiness

by Helen Vince

Display Materials, Components and Manufacturing – (This article is free for all to view) – Canatu (Helsinki, Finland) used the Printed Electronics USA conference to release it latest film, called CNB In-Mold. This film, …

Tags:Canatu| Flexible Displays| Large Display Monitor| Mobile Display Monitor| Pcap (Procap)| Vol 21 - Issue 47


TV Anywhere, or TV Nowhere?

by Helen Vince

TV – A fascinating article appeared in early November in the New York Times titled For Millennials, the End of the TV Viewing Party. The author talks about the early days of television, when family and neighbors would gather …

Tags:Cable| Pay TV| TV (Television)| Vol 21 - Issue 48

CrowdOptic Shows Augmented Reality App for Sharing Video

by Helen Vince

Augmented Reality – CrowdOptic is an app developer that has been focusing on Google Glass. Its augmented reality software allows video sharing between Google Glass and other smartglasses users and at the moment, the app …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Google Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Google Glass at the Crossroads

by Helen Vince

Augmented Reality – Google Glass has been a topic for very many articles in the past but with an email from Google headquarters, this all could go away in a heartbeat. Several recent publications suggest that …

Tags:Google Glass| Mobile Display Monitor| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Whoosh! There it is!

by Helen Vince

3D in Education – I enjoy reporting on new products that have their eye on reaching the education market. One such product is the new Whoosh 3D. Whoosh3D is a three-pronged solution: a 3D app; a 3D-enabled …

Tags:Autostereo 3D| Education| Vol 21 - Issue 48

Netflix Sees Changes in the TV Landscape Emerging

by Helen Vince

TV – Netflix, the company that brought video on demand to the masses sees traditional broadcast on a downward spiral. According to articles from The Hollywood Reporter and Digital Trends, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings explained during a speech in Mexico …

Tags:Netflix| Ratings (e.g. Nielsen)| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Samsung Sees Low Galaxy S5 Sales

by Helen Vince

Mobile Market – Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S5 sales are 40% down on projected sales with just 12M sold in July, that’s 4M units fewer sold in the first three months than the predecessor Galaxy S4 and the company …

Tags:Mobile Display Monitor| Samsung| Smartphones| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Bharp: Turkey Most Foul

by Helen Vince

TVs – Today is our Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, when we travel long distances to have overly large family dinners with people we don’t like. The traditional main dish is roast turkey, and …

Tags:sharp| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Vol 21 - Issue 47

Merck Thinks that Quantum Dots are No Game Changer like OLED Could Be

by Helen Vince

Flat Panel – Everybody in the display industry immediately thinks LCD when the name Merck comes up. Merck does much more than just LCDs, however, as the company is also involved in many aspects of display manufacturing, …

Tags:Large Display Monitor| Merck| Mobile Display Monitor| OLEDs| Quantum Dots| Vol 21 - Issue 47