JBD Tops out Hefei Fab
by Bob Raikes
What They Say We missed it a couple of weeks ago, but have now seen a press release from Jade Bird Display (JBD) about the topping out of a fab facility in Hefei, China …
Tags:China| Investment| MicroLED
by Bob Raikes
What They Say We missed it a couple of weeks ago, but have now seen a press release from Jade Bird Display (JBD) about the topping out of a fab facility in Hefei, China …
Tags:China| Investment| MicroLED
by Bob Raikes
What They Say DSCC published its latest results and forecasts for tablets using OLED, miniLED and regular LCD tablets. The firm differentiates OLED and miniLED as ‘advanced tablets’. Advanced tablets were up 362% from …
Tags:Apple| MiniLED| OLEDs| Samsung| tablets
by Bob Raikes
Yesterday, DSCC’s Bob O’Brien published a blog article that revealed that Samsung has told all its business groups to suspend purchases and control their inventory status. Samsung has informed flat panel display makers in …
Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Forecasts| Hisense| Large LCD Supply| LG Electronics (LGE)| Samsung| sony| Supply Chain| TCL| TV Set Market| Xiaomi
by Bob Raikes
What They Say Meta has been talking about what its Reality Labs division is working on. The projects are: “Butterscotch” is a ‘near retina’ display with 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye, but just …
Tags:Augmented Reality| | HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Mixed Reality| R&D (Research & Development)| | Virtual Reality
by Bob Raikes
What They Say Reuters reports that Tencent Holdings (China’s most valuable tech company) has formed a business unit to address the opportunity for XR and the metaverse in software and hardware. It was formed …
Tags:Augmented Reality| China| Mixed Reality| | Virtual Reality
by Bob Raikes
What They Say Maeil Business News of Korea reports that the Korean Supreme court has upheld an appeal by five employees of Samsung Display and an LG partner against a conviction over stealing secrets …
Tags:Korea| LG Displays (LGD)| Litigation| Patents| Samsung Display
by Bob Raikes
What They Say The Elec reported that BOE has passed samples to Apple for evaluation as a supplier for the expected iPhone 14 and hopes to get approval ‘within the month’. If the go …
Tags:Apple| BOE| iPhone| OLEDs| Small Medium Panel Supply| Supply Chain
by Bob Raikes
At the SID/DSCC Business Conference, Corning’s Han Yim explained how the company continues to look for ways to exploit the properties of its glass in LCDs and OLEDs. In particular, he highlighted the use …
Tags:Corning| Direct Backlights| Glass| LCD Backlights| MiniLED| SID Display Week 2022
by Bob Raikes
What They Say The Elec reports that Samsung has as many as 50 million smartphones in distributor stocks with much of the inventory in the mid-tier Galaxy A series. That would represent 18% of …
Tags:Samsung| Smartphone Market
by Bob Raikes
What They Say TFT Central got an update on AUO’s panel roadmap and suggested (behind a paywall) that there would be new 1080P TN/Film panel for gaming with 540Hz refresh and set for release …
Tags:AUO| LCD Panels
by Bob Raikes
Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week. (I’m still catching up after Display Week!) …
Tags:Asus| audio| BenQ| Consoles| Desktop Monitors| Japan| LED| Legislation| OLEDs| Outdoor Displays| PlayStation| Power Supplies| Semiconductor Market| Smartphones| sony| Sports and Stadiums| Testing| TSMC| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Virtual Sets
by Bob Raikes
What They Say Sigmaintell published its forecasxts for the global TV set sell-in market for Q2 and Q3 and expects Q2 to be down 8.8% from last year at 48 million units. Q3 will …
Tags:China| Forecasts| TV Set Market