The HDBaseT Alliance has disclosed a collaborative venture with Apantac, Sharp/NEC, and Valens Semiconductor to introduce the HDBaseT 3.0 standard to digital display and video wall installations.

Apantac will be developing a smart display module (SDM), incorporating Valens Semiconductor’s VS3000 chipset to create a solution that can deliver multimedia signal distribution over long distances. These modules, built on the Intel SDM platform, will integrate directly into slim profile displays, reducing installation complexity, eliminating the need for external hardware like adapter boxes and power supplies. The technology enables the transmission of uncompressed 4K video up to 100 meters using a standard Category 6A cable. Sharp/NEC’s 43-inch MA431 display is the first to support the new SDM modules. The MA431 belongs to a new range of high-definition professional displays that include the Intel SDM Slot-In feature.