Unconfirmed local sources citing Acer’s Pan Asia Pacific President, Andrew Hou, have reported that the company’s revenues from its enterprise PC business in the region accounted for 41% of its overall sales, representing a year-on-year growth for the company of 7%—the company is apparently targeting 50% of overall sales in 2018.
Acer’s Predator G3 desktop gaming PC.
Hou also highlighted efforts within the company to unify its management system, in order to capitalise on its dominance in education and government sectors. Meanwhile, President of Acer Philippines, Manuel Wong, also reportedly announced that the company won $36 million in education PC procurement orders from the Philippines government at the end of 2017.
Acer claims that it is enjoying its twelfth consecutive year as the top notebook provider in Thailand and its tenth year as leader of the overall PC market. The company also claims to be the number one vendor of gaming notebooks in the country, having finished the first half of 2017 outside the top four.