
Favite Looking to MicroLED AOI Shipments in China for Growth

DigiTimes is reporting that Favite – maker of automotated optical inspection (AOI) systems for LCDs, OLEDs, and MicroLEDs – has started shipping its MicroLED AOI systems into China.

The company, like most of Taiwan’s display supply chain, is in the process of transitioning away from LCD technologies and is treating the MicroLED market is China as a significant growth opportunity. The company has been active in China since 2010 and has a number of local service centers to support its customer base. It began shipping AOI equipment for MicroLED chip and panel production at the end of 2021. The company was a relative early entrant into the MicroLED inspection market and is now boasting that the inclusion of AI into its systems is creating performance improvements that can directly influence the efficacy of its inspection systems.

Back in 2023, Favite was claiming its system could inspect 100 million LEDs in a six minute time span, but there is no word on where the company’s technology stands today. After conquering the LCD market, Chinese display makers are eagerly building up capacity in MicroLED production as they continue to grow their share across all display technology segments.