
Google Sending UHD and HDR Android TV Dongle to Developers

Following rumours that Google is working on a next-generation Ultra HD and HDR TV streaming dongle, the existence of the device has been confirmed by the company, with one caveat — it’s only available for developers, at least for the time being.

The good news is that developers that do want an ADT-2 — the gadget’s less-than-catchy current name — can get one TV for application testing purposes free of charge, just by applying to Google, subject to approval.

The device is essentially the Google Chromecast Ultra, but with a built-in Android TV operating system, taking away its reliance on external content sources and additional hardware.

Analyst Comment

So, while there’s no word as to whether a consumer version of the ADT-2 will ever see the light of day, the existence of a developer version begs the question — why wouldn’t it? Perhaps we’ll hear more at Google’s product launch towards the end of the year. (AF)