Vsblty Groupe Technologies Corp., Shelf Nine, and Phoenix Vision have joined forces to develop and manage a nation-wide in-store media network that delivers news and advertising content directly to shoppers via advanced digital signage technology. This initiative, which is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), is kicking off in New York and will gradually extend to over 4,000 Shelf Nine stores and 550 Phoenix Vision locations across the US.

Vsblty’s AI’s proprietary VisionCaptor and DataCaptor software merges interactive branding and motion graphics with advanced computer vision measurements and insights. These tools, together with Vector software, enable robust facial recognition, strengthening security measures and offer key insights into crowd analysis.
Vsblty, an advocate and pioneer in the store as a medium (SaaM) business model, brings to the partnership a wealth of experience in transforming stores into effective “media networks.” This innovative model unlocks fresh revenue streams for retailers by utilizing digital transformation. The retail sector’s ongoing digital transition is predicted to become the next $100-billion business, according to the Boston Consulting Group.
The digital screen network has already seen successful applications in retail settings across Canada, Mexico, and other Latin American nations. It uses facial recognition and AI to identify features such as age, gender, and emotions of shoppers, thereby gaining critical insights into customer demographics and their interaction with various digital content at the point of sale.
Shelf Nine is focused on offering brands personalized in-store digital experiences. It facilitates 1:1 targeted communication at the point of purchase, boosting the effectiveness of in-store marketing. Retailers can leverage screens in high traffic areas to deliver dynamic content, thus improving the overall shopper experience.
Phoenix Vision’s contribution addresses the need for newspapers to generate additional profitable media and subscription revenues, the need for advertisers to purchase media impressions and obtain customer demographic analytics in crucial retail locations, and the need for retailers to enhance their store efficiency by leveraging screens for advertising their products and services to the right target audience at the optimal time and location.