Year: 2022


ViewSonic VX2722 4K OLED with HDMI 2.1 and USB-C

by Bob Raikes

What They Say ViewSonic has launched a new VX2722 UltraHD OLED monitor in China and certified to DisplayHDR 400 True Black. The monitor is said to be aimed at creatives and have ‘high colour …

Tags:Colour Critical Monitors| Desktop Monitors| OLED Monitors| ViewSonic

Giant Samsung/Peerless Wall Installed in Morocco

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Peerless-AV have just completed a huge (87.84m x 2.7m high) circular LED video wall in the auditorium of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco. The panels used were from Samsung and the …

Tags:MEA (Middle East & Africa)| Peerless AV| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP

Choosing the Right Microdisplay for Near-to-Eye Applications

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Insight Media has published a White Paper called “Choosing the Right Microdisplay for Near-to-Eye Applications”. It goes through the pros and cons of LCD, LCOS, OLED and microLED devices. The white …

Tags:LCD displays| LCOS| Microdisplays| MicroLED| OLEDs

Mid-week Links – Week Ending 9th December 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the middle of this week. UDC Announces Passing of  Sherwin I. Seligsohn Intel …

Tags:5K (5120 x 2880)| Desktop Monitors| E Ink| Events| Intel| ISE 2022| LG Electronics (LGE)| Projectors| Semiconductor Market| Smart TV| Smartphones| UltraHD (4KTV)| Virtual Sets

Niantic Using Lumis Waveguide – Guttag Investigates

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Occasional DD contributor and HMD guru, Karl Guttag, has published a blog post in which he speculates (based on a forensic analysis of published videos in comparison to his own photos) …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Waveguide Display

Latest Apple Headset Rumours

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that he now believes that the widely rumoured Apple headset will not start volume shipping until the second half of 2023 and that as a result, …

Tags:Apple| Augmented Reality| Virtual Reality

Virey Updates on miniLED in Backlights and Direct View

by Bob Raikes

Techblick held its Quantum Dots and Mini/Micro-LED Displays virtual event last week and had an impressive list of speakers and topics. I plan to write about several of the talks, but I thought I …

Tags:Market Data| MiniLED| OLEDs| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP| TV Set Market

Samsung Display and Universal Display Corporation Enter into Long-Term OLED Agreements

by Artem Alekseenko

Universal Display Corporation, enabling energy-efficient displays and lighting with its UniversalPHOLED® technology and materials, announced the signing of long-term OLED material supply and license agreements with Samsung Display Co., Ltd. (SDC), a global display manufacturing leader. …

Tags:OLED Materials| Samsung Display

DSCC Downgrades Display Capacity Growth

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC said that for the fourth consecutive quarter it has downgraded it display capacity forecast as more delays and cancellations are recognised in the face of weak demand and poor pricing. …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Forecasts| Large LCD Supply| Market Data| Supply Chain