Year: 2022


So what is it going to take to deliver all-day wearable AR glasses?

by Bob Raikes

A few weeks ago, I spotted an interesting article on the long form ‘Medium’ platform from Avi Bar-Zeev. He’s been at Disney, Keyhole (acquired by Google), Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and has had his own …

Tags:Augmented Reality| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Mixed Reality| Optics| SmartGlasses| Virtual Reality

PPDS Confirms Asian Market Expansion – InfoComm India 2022 Attendance

by Artem Alekseenko

PPDS, the exclusive global provider of Philips digital signage, interactive displays, direct view LED and professional TV products and complementary solutions, is excited to confirm its participation at InfoComm India 2022 in Mumbai next …

Tags:India| Infocomm 2022| Philips

Apple Expects Steady Demand for New iPhones

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Although there are negative signs in the smartphone market, Bloomberg reported that Apple has asked suppliers to maintain volumes of its new iPhones in line with last years launch – which …

Tags:Apple| Forecasts| Foxconn (Honhai)| iPhone| Smartphone Market| Supply Chain

Samsung Electronics Aims to Boost Sales of Foldable Phones

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Korean media reports that Samsung Electronics mobile head, Roh Tae-moon said that “By 2025, foldable items will take up more than 50 percent of Samsung‘s total premium smartphone shipments,” The Korea …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Samsung| Smartphone Market

Driving The Future Of Automotive Displays With Video Compression

by Bob Raikes

What They Say published an article by Rambus that looked at the topic of the big boost in video transport inside cars and the challenges because cars need to meet strict EMC requirements, …

Tags:Automotive| Interfaces| Mipi

LG UltraFine Pro OLED Monitor Wins HPA Award

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LG Electronics won an Award for Engineering Excellence from the HPA for its UltraFine OLED Pro EP950 reference grade HDR monitor, available in 27″ and 32″ sizes. Arri also won an …

Tags:Broadcast Monitors| Colour Critical Monitors| JOLED| LG Electronics (LGE)| OLED Monitors

‘Average LED video wall pixel pitch to fall to 2.1mm’

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Quoting data from Omdia, AV Magazine said that it expects average LED video wall pitch to drop to 2.1mm by 2026. In 2019, the average was 3.1mm. The firm also said …

Tags:Forecasts| Market Data| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP

LG Display to unveil 20-inch OLED panel within the year

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Elec reported that as well as the new panels that Barry Young mentioned in his article earlier this week (LGD’s Dilemma – LCD Panels Unprofitable & Getting Worse, But OLEDs …

Tags:Curved Displays| LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs| Transparent Displays

Sharp quarterly

SDP Now Back in Sharp

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In June, Nikkei reported that Sharp had said that it was buying back the shares in Sakai Display Products (its G10 fab in Japan) to make it a wholly ownd subsidiary. …

Tags:Foxconn (Honhai)| Japan| LCD Fabs| Mergers & Acquisitions| sharp

LG Display Unveils Innovative OLED Technologies at K-Display 2022

by Artem Alekseenko

LG Display, the world’s leading innovator of display technologies, announced that it will demonstrate its cutting-edge OLED technologies at K-Display 2022, the KDIA’s (Korea Display Industry Association) largest display exhibition, in Seoul, Korea. Under …

Tags:Korea| LG Displays (LGD)| OLEDs