Year: 2022


Sigmaintell Looks at Folding Smartphones

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say Sigmaintell Research of China said that it expects the global shipments of ‘small’ folding smartphones to be 9 million with YoY growth of around 138% and with higher growth than larger …

Tags:Apple| China| Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Market Data| Samsung| Smartphone Market| Xiaomi

Will Headworn AR Revenues Exceed $35 Billion by 2026?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say A couple of weeks ago, ARtillery Intelligence released a new forecast that puts the value of the AR market at $35 billion by 2026 from $1.8 billion last year, after a …

Tags:Augmented Reality| Forecasts

Cineworld on the Brink?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Just as we went to press, the BBC reported that CineWorld had seen its shares plunge 60% after a report in the WSJ said that the firm was preparing for bankruptcy. …

Tags:Cinema| Cinema going| Financial Data| Reorganisation & Restructuring

Micledi and Qustom Dot Plan Collaboration

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Micledi Microdisplays and QustomDot have announced a collaboration to make microdisplay exploiting the QustomDot QDs for colour conversion and based on Micledi’s 300mm wafer processing. (Micledi Collaborating with GlobalFoundries.) The latest …

Tags:Microdisplays| Quantum Dots

UST Projectors Put to the Test

by Bob Raikes

I recently saw a report on a shoot-out of Ultra Short Throw projectors that was conducted in the US by (a high end specialist retailer) and I didn’t get there (I’m on …

Tags:Testing| USA| UST Projectors

Counterpoint Notices OLEDoS Technology

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Analyst Counterpoint Research published a brief article on OLED on silicon (OLEDoS) displays. The company said that it expected the technology to reach 28% of the AR/VR market by 2025. Counterpoint …

Tags:LG Displays (LGD)| Microdisplays| OLEDs| Samsung Display| sony

HannStar Display Hopes to Maintain High Utilisation

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In all the doom and gloom in LCD making, dogged survivor HannStar Display told Digitimes that the firm is optimistic of keeping its utilisation at 90% to 95% as it has …

Tags:Financial Data| Hannstar (Hannspree)| Small & Medium Displays| Small Medium LCDs| Small Medium Panel Supply

Palomaki Lights Up (in Blue, White and UV) the QD-OLED Structure

by Bob Raikes

Pete Palomaki has made the second in a series of YouTube videos in which he is tearing down a Samsung S95B QD-OLED TV. (Palomaki Rips Up a QD-OLED TV)This time he did a test …

Tags:Film materials| QD OLEDs| Quantum Dots| Samsung Display| Teardowns| Testing