Year: 2022


A Smarter Steering Wheel Technology

by Bob Raikes

What They Say NewElectronics reported on the development of ‘more intelligent steering wheels’ for automotive use. Using an ultra-thin complex curve construction built around flexible electronic circuit assemblies, the wheel shape includes a level …

Tags:Automotive| E Ink| EPD (Electrophoretic)

14th-gen Intel Chips Could Support Ray Tracing

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Intel is rumoured to be planning to bring ray tracing to its integrated graphics processors in the Intel Meteor Lake processors that are due in 2023. said that technically the …

Tags:CPUs| GPUs| Intel

Apple Increases Self-Repair Programme

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Apple is adding the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops with M1 chips to its Self Service Repair programme in the US. The repairs covered include fixes to the trackpad, Touch …

Tags:Apple| Right to Repair| warranty

Sigmaintell Research|Mobile & Tablet Panel Price Trends in Aug.2022

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Sigmaintell Research released its price forecast for August panel pricing for mobile and tablet use. It’s not surprise to see all the segments reported reduced prices and the firm sees no …

Tags:Forecasts| Pricing| Small & Medium Displays| Small Medium Panel Supply

TCL report1

TCL Result Sees GP Margin Rise

by Bob Raikes

What They Say TCL put out its interim result for the first half of 2022 to the end of June. The company saw revenues of $4.29 billion (down 3.5%) with a gross margin up …

Tags:China| Financial Data| Smartphone Market| TCL


Xiaomi Result Shows Smartphone Sales Down

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Xiaomi saw a 20% drop in revenue in Q2, year on year, below the predictions of analysts. Volume of handsets was down 22%, and revenues down 29%, further than the market …

Tags:China| Financial Data| India| Smartphone Market| Xiaomi

Links Week Starting 22nd August 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week. Hat tip to Jon Peddie for this …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Game Playing| Intel| MEA (Middle East & Africa)| MiniLED| MMD (AOC Philips)| Netflix| OLED Notebooks| OLED TVs| POS| Semiconductors| SVOD| TCL| TVs (TV Sets)| Wireless

Dolby Vision Precision Detail Now on LG Sets

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LG’s 2022 OLED and miniLED TVs that use the Alpha 9 Gen 5 silicon processor have been upgraded to add support for ‘Dolby Vision Precision Detail’. This is a switchable feature …

Tags:Dolby Vision| HDR - High Dynamic Range| LG Electronics (LGE)

Foldable OLED Smartphones: On a Growth Path

by Sweta Dash

In the year 2022, foldable smartphone shipments are expected to follow a growth path, while the total global smartphone market is expected to decline. The total market is impacted by inflation, continued geopolitical risks …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Glass| OLEDs| Samsung| Smartphone Market| Smartphones