Year: 2022

LCD panel prices

LCD TV Panel Prices Reach New Lows

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say DSCC commented in its blog on the all time lows that are now being seen in LCD TV panels and forecast that the prices will continue to decline, with an expectation …

Tags:Display Supply & Demand| Large LCD Supply| Pricing

Now Trending in Education: When Less Becomes More

by Len Scrogan

My current article series aims to put a spotlight on some of the most interesting post-pandemic downtrends now taking shape in K12 and/or university settings. In our first installment, we focused one two of …


SDC Talks Up its ‘Disruptive Display Industry Innovation’

by Bob Raikes

Dr JS Choi is President and CEO of Samsung Display (SDC) and he gave a keynote address at the recent IMID conference with the title “Changing (the) display industry with disruptive innovation”. We listened …

Tags:Investment| Microdisplays| MicroLED| OLED Fabs| OLED Notebooks| OLEDs| QD OLEDs| Samsung Display| Smartphones| Vapour Deposition| Waveguide Display

Links Week Starting 29th August 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week. AR glasses maker Nreal raises $15M in …

RGB Laser from Christie is DCI Approved

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The DCI, which controls the technical side of the digital cinema industry, has approved the Christie CP2420-RGB with IMS3000 Integrated Media Block for use in cinemas. The projector is a DLP …

Tags:Cinema| DLP Projectors| Laser Projectors

Samsung Display developing thinner QD-OLED panels

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say The Elec reports on the basis of information from Taiwan’s ETRI research organisation at IMID that Samsung Display is looking to develop thinner QD-OLED panels by removing one of the glass …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Google Glass| QD OLEDs| R&D (Research & Development)| Rollable Devices| Rollable Displays| Samsung Display

Power Plan in Germany – What changes from September 1st

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Invidis reports that the new Energy Saving Ordinance from the German Federal Ministry of Economics has banned the use of DooH signs and digital signage except between the hours of 4pm …

Tags:Digital Signage| DOOH| Germany| Russia

LG: 4K display automatically adjusts height and tilt

by Bob Raikes

What They Say LG Electronics has a new monitor, the 32UQ890 that uses a camera to watch the user’s posture and position and automatically adjusts the monitor in tilt and height. The monitor has …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| Ergonomics| LG Electronics (LGE)

HP Z32k G3: IPS black display with 4K and Thunderbolt 4

by Milos Pavlovic

What They Say HP has become, by our reckoning, the fourth company (after LG, Eizo and Dell) to use LG Display’s IPS Black technology to make the Z32k G3 monitor. Resolution is UltraHD and …

Tags:Desktop Monitors| HP Inc| IPS| LG Displays (LGD)

Meta Cambria Headset Launch Date Set

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg told the Joe Rogan Experience podcast that the ‘better than Quest’ Cambria headset will be launched in October at the Connect 2022 event (date tba) and that …

Tags:| Mixed Reality| Virtual Reality