Year: 2022


Global LED Display Shipments Up Almost 18% In Q2 2022: Omdia

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Hat-tip to’s Dave Haynes who spotted data from Omdia’s latest data for the LED video display category, which grew 17.7% year on year although China was up just 4.7%. There …

Tags:Absen| LED| Leyard| LG Electronics (LGE)| Market Data| Samsung| Small Pixel Pitch LED SPP

Shipping Container Costs Drop from Peak

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Another hat-tip to for spotting a report that container shipping costs from China to the West Coast of the US have dropped around 60% from January 2022 and are now …

Tags:Supply Chain

foldable smartphones proc

DSCC Reduces Foldable Shipment Forecast

by Bob Raikes

What They Say DSCC said that as it nears the completion of its latest forecast for its Quarterly Foldable/Rollable Display Shipment and Technology Report, it has reduced its forecast for 2022 foldable smartphone panel …

Tags:Flexible Displays| Foldable Devices| Forecasts| Market Data| Smartphone Market

Workstation Market Growth Rate Slows—But Only Slightly—in Q2’22

by Artem Alekseenko

As part of its ongoing research pertaining to the workstation market, Jon Peddie Research (JPR) has released its quarterly JPR Workstation Market Report for Q2’22. Following suit with the prior quarter’s results, Q2’22 again …

Tags:Jon Peddie Research (JPR)| Workstations

Xperi launches Vewd OpX for Android TV Operator Tier

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Xperi (Xperi and Vestel on a Roll at IFA) announced that it is making a new version of a cloud-managed operator-grade set-top box (STB) OS that integrates payTV with streamed content …

Tags:Android| IBC 2022| Operating Systems| Smart TV| STBs

Royole Has Assets Frozen

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The Caixin newswire has reported that Royole Corp of China has had $5.3 million equivalent of assets ‘frozen’ by a local court because of ‘contract disputes’ with suppliers. The application is …

Tags:Financial Data| Flexible Displays| Reorganisation & Restructuring

Links Week Starting 12th September 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the first part of this week – only a few as I have …

Tags:All-in-ones (AIOs)| Desktop Monitors| HDR - High Dynamic Range| HP Inc| Lenovo| ViewSonic

IFA 2022 – Display Components

by Bob Raikes

Now my comments about IFA in general last week were pretty negative, but I did manage to find a few interesting products and technologies at the show. I don’t really see IFA as a …

Tags:IFA 2022| LED| MicroLED