Year: 2022


Graphene OLED Touch Layer Demonstrated

by Bob Raikes

What They Say Queen Mary University of London (which must have re-branded from Queen Mary College) working with Paragraf (Cambridge, UK) and Tokyo, Japan, have collaborated in a research project that used a monolayer …

Tags:Graphene| ITO| ITO Replacement| OLEDs

Atlanta DTH launches compact ATSC 3.0 digital TV receiver

by Bob Raikes

What They Say RapidTVNews reported that Atlanata DTH has a new dongle that can support ATSC 3.0. The unit is based on the established DGI 1011 SD/HD USB plug-in DTV tuner, the DGI-NexGen-Solo is …

Tags:ATSC| Streaming Dongles| USA

What Does 2022 Have in Store for the LCD Industry?

by Bob Raikes

As we’re at the start of a New Year and, whisper it quietly, if not at the end of the Covid pandemic, at least at the beginning of the end, I thought I would …

Tags:Crystal cycle| Forecasts| Large LCD Supply| LCD displays| Market Data| Pricing| TVs (TV Sets)

LED TVs Bad for the Eyes?

by Bob Raikes

What They Say The IT Chosun reported an interview with Oh Chang-ho of LG Display who said that miniLED TVs are bad for eye health compared to OLEDs. However, he welcomed the introduction of …

Tags:Health and Safety| LG Displays (LGD)| OLED Materials

NPD Forecasts the US Tech Scene

by Bob Raikes

NPD held a virtual event around CES to look at a ‘big topic’ and from a high level – both in B2C and the B2B businesses. The session was introduced by Stephen Baker, a …

Tags:Chromebooks| Forecasts| Market Data| Notebooks| NPD| The Metaverse| TVs (TV Sets)| USA| Virtual Reality

Apple AR/VR Headset Could be Power Hungry

by Bob Raikes

What They Say In a research note seen by MacRumors, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that the much rumoured forthcoming Apple AR/VR headset will use Apple’s biggest USB-C power adaptor which can provide up to …

Tags:Apple| HMDs (Head Mounted Displays)| Power Supplies| Virtual Reality

Links Week Ending 14th January 2022

by Bob Raikes

Every week we see some articles that don’t really need comment or are just plain interesting. Here are a few from the second part of this week. (quite a few this week as we …

Tags:Acer| Big Data/AI| CES 2022| Dell| Desktop Monitors| Financial Data| Game Playing| HDMI| IPS| JOLED| Kopin| LG Electronics (LGE)| Mergers & Acquisitions| Microdisplays| OLEDs| Optics| Patents| PlayStation| Samsung Display| Smartphones| sony| TCL| Testing| Virtual Reality